An intro to XPLUS — your social-to-earn power in blockchain

Social-to-earn is simply, making money on social media by just using its functions, including messaging, engaging with your friends and followers, or creating meaningful content. XPlus provides users with a social-to-earn method of social mining.

An intro to XPLUS — your social-to-earn power in blockchain

Mass adoption is a core vision for blockchain. Cryptocurrencies took a while to make mainstream media headlines. In 2021, the world was swept by non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), and the metaverse. What was presented by the likes of NFT games were strong reasons for the public to welcome it.

Then there’s Social Finance (SocialFi), slowly but surely stepping into the spotlight to provide additional value to what social media already gives. It is innovative from the standpoint of bridging our financial and social media lives as it monetizes our routines in the digital world.

XPlus brings that superpower of growing your wealth as you also grow your social media life. It propels mass adoption of blockchain without the hassles of data breaches and irrelevant content that are prevalent in the likes of Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

XPlus functions you’ll love

  • Social mining functions

The road to social-to-earn in XPlus is simple and it starts with purchasing an NFT. It offers a low barrier to entry point; even beginners in investing can start with low capital. The NFT you bought serves as your pass to start social mining.

Social mining is as simple as making calls, creating and posting content, adding more friends and followers, and engaging with the community.

  • Seamless integration of existing social platforms

You can bring in your Telegram friends to XPlus in a few clicks! The integration of your favorite messaging app is easy and safe. This means you don’t have to build your Telegram community from scratch.

The seamless connection of your existing social media apps is one of the many XPlus functions poised to bring in easy adoption for new users.

  • Your social media app with a crypto wallet

XPlus is the only social media integrated app with its own cryptocurrency wallet. It’s a promising feature for user convenience.

We’re building an ecosystem of tools so that you don’t need multiple apps on your phone to do your daily social routines and investments.

  • NFT marketplace

The NFT market is here to stay and we’re banking on this blockchain technology to bring more people into the space. In 2021, NFTs swept the world with their novelty and brought an unprecedented blockchain adoption that continues today.

You can buy, sell, and trade on the XPlus NFT Marketplace. In the future, we have plans in the pipeline to transfer or trade NFTs from third-party marketplaces.

  • Importing external assets

The XPlus ecosystem aims to function as a wealth management platform, among other features. You can transfer your portfolio to our platform and enjoy the tools that will help you track and manage your investments in one place.

A dive into the Social-to-Earn concept

First, let’s discuss what Social-to-Earn means.

Social-to-earn is simply, making money on social media by just using its functions, including messaging, engaging with your friends and followers, or creating meaningful content.

XPlus provides users with a social-to-earn method of social mining. Remember that you must buy an NFT on the marketplace first — it’s your entry ticket to start social mining.

There are several ways where you can participate in social mining:

  1. Invite friends and followers
    After registering for an XPlus account and buying your first NFT, you’re all set to start inviting new users to join XPlus. Once your invitees create their accounts, you get points.
  2. Use your messenger
    When you use your messenger to call your friends and family, you earn points. You have a maximum of 1 hour per day to use for calling. The calculation of rewards is 1 hour after completing the call.
  3. Useful and engaging content
    Likes, shares, and the quality of your content are measured on XPlus. The factors used in calculating your score include, how long the user played your video, how long your photos are browsed, and if they completed the video.
  4. Content interaction
    If your fellow XPlus account and NFT holder interact with your content, you get points too!

What is XPLUS?

XPlus is a new project in the blockchain space that creates a virtual universe using your social media and the power of web 3.0. Simply, it rewards you by integrating your social into the Xplus platform and participating in social mining activities.